for the loading pages n mainpage,stil in progress,need to change sth...
1)character introduction

2.Is the msg clear enough for primary school kids?
3.hows the colour combination?
4.others feedback
2) game

2.can you find the axe?do u think it's ok for kids?
3.hows the colour combination?
4.others feedback
3.rejected all the princes the background suitable? you think the background might overtake the text?(no written yet)
4)back to the moon

1)is the background suitable?
2)hows the colour combination
thank you for ur time..
1. yes i can identify all of them.
2. i have no idea but my brother understands. {aight i showed your page and he was actually amazed! haha!}
3. manyak cantik saya suka!
4. kalau mmg boleh dijadikan game, saya harap saya boleh dapatkannya dengan gratis.
1. sama
2. can, beside the vase de ma! of course la! nowadays aaa, the kids are getting smarter loh.
3. sama juaaa.
4. sama pok.
1. suitable, at least i see it very clearly and it's not annoying.
2. eh, the house? i dont know i find it's too big eh?
3. i dont think so because they're not in same colors niaaa.
1. yes.
2. nice.
3. got sample ornot?
apa sample la??
1.Yes i can
2.For me it is clear enough
3.The combination is fine
4.No comment
1.I think i can
2.I think yeah
4.can find more thing other then axe? LOL
2.I think its ok
4.not really
1.not bad
3. dunno ler
4.can find more thing other then axe? LOL
that's a knife there!if u terfound it..u gota find again..hahaha
the last one 4.back to the room....
duno y i feel the bunch of clouds there,the white colour clouds and the light purple background abit odd...maybe can be more contrast? bcoz it's like both the background n the clouds are too bright...
okok..i try n see
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