Sunday, July 13, 2008

4 pages..refined..

any comments?


irene said...

i like the colours! very nice oh!

hueymay said...


Anonymous said...

yea.. i like the colors.. n the designs too.. and the story also .. duno who so geng , found a good story like tis 1.. ahaha

hueymay said...


honeysue said...

wahhh so fast ady OAo Cool!
i would just say overall its nice ady..
just need to put more textures

comment on mine too

Jjo.L said...

Overall, it's nice. Color combination is nice as well. Geng!

zhenlong25 said...

overall, NICE=) just nice

hueymay said...

thank you all!!


Anonymous said...

Hey. Good job! Really nice work you have there. I'll give a 9 out of 10 for your slides. It feels like I'm playing those really cool USA-made children games unlike those crappy MIC children games I played before. Anyway, I have some few trivial comments to make. It's about the labeling for the "sections". Y don't you put "Read the Story!! <-- (emphasis on the exclamation marks)" instead of just plain "Read story". And "Character's Description" instead of just "Character" which will convey a much clearer message to the kids.

hueymay said...

hmmm...i'll think bout it...

Anonymous said...

hahaha. yixiang giv u a useful comment neh!