it's developed based on the mindmap,titled,"groundnut"...@@
after that,we arrange the logo,typeface,n colours..which im lazy to upload here..
so..these r the interface for diff product..
the 3rd interface..belum lagi =.=
interface1..valentine's gift shop

difference:background pattern
which one u prefer..
any other comment.. florist

how;s the navigator?
the background ok?with some blurred dots..
the flowers..arrangement..any problem??
PS:the rite hand side 1..i desaturated abit..will it match with the left part more?(due to comment)
the 1st interface i like the 1st
and the 2nd interface,mayb the navigation bar the word change to other color,cant really read it in white
for the 1st interface i think the first 1 which looks darker is better lol
for the sec 1 i think maybe the words can put at other place but not at the edge lol..
LOl..dun take too much account into my comment.. i am not pro LOl =.=
i prefer the 1st background.
thn the florist 1.. the background got abit.. duno how 2 say.. like the left part not really combine wit the right part. get wat i mean? like tat lo
1st Design: 2nd bg looks more pleasant. But body text need to reduce as it is too big.
2nd Design: 1st bg gives more depth but text leading too much. Make it slightly tighter.
for the 1st interface
i like the 2nd BG
for 2nd..
1st one i think
i cant really choose @_@;;
1st - I choose 2nd.
2nd - I choose 1st.
Truly from the bottom of my heart.
I am roommate 3.
Thank you.
i both oso love 1st one oh..
the second one the navigator...duno how to say,like abit..weird..
mayb the arrangement?
the 1st interface i like the 1st 1...
the second 1 i like the 2nd 1...
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