game(dice),globe/network(ice-cream),setting,address book,message
Vector icons(illus)

i'm doing a project which is the mobile icons and the theme is candy:)
here's some questions for u guys..
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
a )well done!
b)not bad,acceptable
c)too common
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
b)not really
c)not at all!
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
a)obviously yes
b)a bit confusing
c)very very confusing n dont even know what is that!
4..which part i can improve more?
a)the design itself
b)colour combination
c)others...u may list out..
any other suggestion or feedback r more than welcome(:
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
b)not bad,acceptable
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
b)a bit confusing
4..which part i can improve more?
a)the design itself and B}colour combination
basically it was a bit blur for me at first good effort though =D
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
a )well done!
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
a)obviously yes
4..which part i can improve more?
a)the design itself
4. er.. the icons are quite confusing lo..
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
a )well done!
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
b)a bit confusing
4..which part i can improve more?
a)the design itself
1.design is not bad.
2.yes, it is consistent
3.a bit hard, maybe the dice n earth are too colorful. well, my personal point of view, you can make all bg color consistent but for the icon itself, if your lecturer allow to play with it, guess you can just make part of the color consistent intead of overall as they all will look too similar. just my point of view.
4. guess color placement. design is good. simple n nice. i like the pixel art more :)
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
a )well done!
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
b)a bit confusing
4..which part i can improve more?
c)others...to be more regconizable,other i think is nice n i like it!
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
b)not bad,acceptable
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
(but....seem abit too consistent...the design look similar... :P)
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
b)a bit confusing
4..which part i can improve more?
c)others...u may list out..
(maybe the execution part, can add in elements that more related to the icon's function...my comment la..^_^)
all da best n jia you~
vector icons :
the settings icon is good. if the spanna ( i dunno what it's called..) is more outstanding, it would be better!
the msging icon is also very representative.
the others i have to look at the description to understand them.
rastor icons :
dice, settings, msging are good. clear message is delivered.
globe and address book icons are confusing.
1:what do u think about the overall design for both?
a )well done!
2..do u think the design and colours r consistent?
3..can you recognize what does the icon represent?
a)obviously yes
4..which part i can improve more?
the only thing u have to improve is ur self confedence!! gosh~ u did a good job, do u know that?
thanks all
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